- g. 200 di ceci secchi
- g. 200 di tagliatelle
- 1 spicchio di aglio
- un rametto di rosmarino
- 1 cucchiaino di conserva di pomodoro, op. pelati q.b.
- olio evo
- sale q.b.
- pepe q.b.
Mettete a bagno in una ciotola i ceci, coprirli di acqua tiepida e lasciarli ammorbidire per una notte.
Scolarli e cuocerli in 1 litro e 1/4 di acqua non salata.
A parte, in un tegamino mettere un po' di olio, lo spicchio di aglio e il rosmarino, quando l'aglio avrà preso colore, unirvi il concentrato di pomodoro e mezzo bicchiere di acqua.
Passare al passa-verdure la metà dei ceci, nella stessa pentola dove sono stati cotti, aggiungervi il sugo preparato, salare e pepare.
Unire le tagliatelle (o altra forma a piacere) cuocere per pochi minuti.
Il risultato dovrà essere molto denso.
Chickpea soup
Soak the chickpeas in a bowl, cover with warm water and let soften for one night.
Drain and cook in 1 liter and 1/4 of unsalted water.
Separately, in a small pan put a little 'oil, a clove of garlic and the rosemary, when the garlic begins to brown, add the tomato paste and half a cup of water.
Switch to pass half the chickpeas vegetables in the same pot where they were cooked, add the sauce, salt and pepper.
Combine the noodles (or other method you like) cook for a few minutes.
The result will be very dense.
Chickpea soup
- g. 200 of dried chickpeas
- g. 200 of noodles
- (noodles made with only flour and water)
- 1 clove of garlic
- a sprig of rosemary
- 1 teaspoon of tomato paste, op. peeled q.b.
- extra virgin olive oil
- salt q.b.
- pepper q.b.
Soak the chickpeas in a bowl, cover with warm water and let soften for one night.
Drain and cook in 1 liter and 1/4 of unsalted water.
Separately, in a small pan put a little 'oil, a clove of garlic and the rosemary, when the garlic begins to brown, add the tomato paste and half a cup of water.
Switch to pass half the chickpeas vegetables in the same pot where they were cooked, add the sauce, salt and pepper.
Combine the noodles (or other method you like) cook for a few minutes.
The result will be very dense.